
composite decking

Knowing that you are interested in composite decking, we have listed articles on similar topics on the website for your convenience. As a professional manufacturer, we hope that this news can help you. If you are interested in learning more about the product, please feel free to contact us.
  • Can Composite Decking be Recycled?


    Have you ever wondered whether composite decking can be recycled? This can seem difficult to answer in many cases since it depends on many factors. But, with that being said, several key things may influence this, so our experts are on hand today to help you learn more about the rules of recycling r Read More
  • Does Composite Decking Add More Value Than a Wood Deck?


    Have you ever wondered about whether composite decking could be a good investment for your home? In many cases, adding new decking and the like to your property can be an excellent way to add value. However, the type of decking you install may add more value than others - which of course begs the q Read More
  • How Long Does Composite Decking Last?


    Have you ever wondered about how long composite decking lasts? For many people, composite decking can be a wonderful investment. However, one of the most significant benefits of composite decking has to be its amazing ability to stand the test of time! With this thought in mind, today, we have outli Read More
  • Does Composite Decking Get Hotter than Wood?


    Have you been looking to invest in brand new decking for your home or commercial property? Finding the right type of decking material naturally comes with several big questions. This can also leave many people wondering about the right type of decking material for their property. Still, you should n Read More
  • Advantages and Disadvantages of Composite Decking


    Have you ever wondered about the main advantages and disadvantages of composite wood decking? Composite wood decking can offer many perks, but it’s worth keeping in mind that these solutions may not work for everyone. With this thought in mind, today, we’ve outlined some key things you need to know Read More
  • Composite vs Wood: Which Builds the Better Deck?


    Composite vs Wood: Which Builds the Better Deck?Needless to say, a deck is a great addition to your home. It can transform your outdoor environment from redundant to lively and captivating to head turners. Whether for casual evenings or corporate hosting, your deck will always come through. However, Read More
  • Major Brands for Composite Decking


    What exactly is composite decking and what is its use in today’s world. Composite decking in clear terms refers to a combination of wood as the base material of this mix and a compilation of other materials which is usually plastic or PVC, all held together by a binding agent. This is not to be conf Read More
  • Composite Decking vs. Wood Decking


    Do you want to know what are the differences between composite decking and wood decking? Which type of decking is more suitable for your home or business? In this article we'll give you the answer - let's get started!Everything you need to know about wood deckingLet's start by talking about wood dec Read More
  • Advantages of Composite Decking


    Composite Decking, also known as Wood Plastic Composite Decking, is the new form of decking system used in the world today. It is a better alternative to wood and lasts even longer with very low amount spent on maintenance. It is the most popular and most resourceful form of decking used in the timb Read More
Founded in 2009, Foshan MexyTech Co., Ltd is a professional manufacturer engaging in eco-materials.



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