
new composite wood

Knowing that you are interested in new composite wood, we have listed articles on similar topics on the website for your convenience. As a professional manufacturer, we hope that this news can help you. If you are interested in learning more about the product, please feel free to contact us.
  • Mexytech New Design-No Gap WPC Decking


    Have you ever met these problems by using old-styled wpc decking with wide gaps? 1. difficult for cleaning - dusts and garbage hide between the gaps and under the decking system 2. poor product experience - high heels stuck or small stuffs dropped through the gap 3. no competitive Read More
Founded in 2009, Foshan MexyTech Co., Ltd is a professional manufacturer engaging in eco-materials.



 Building B, Torch Park, Jihua 2 Road, Chancheng, Foshan City, Guangdong, China
     + 86-13435406202
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