
No Gap Decking

Knowing that you are interested in No Gap Decking, we have listed articles on similar topics on the website for your convenience. As a professional manufacturer, we hope that this news can help you. If you are interested in learning more about the product, please feel free to contact us.
  • 3rd Generation Co-extrusion WPC Decking丨BPS-05


    We are pleased to announce that our WPC co-extrusion protection layer has been upgraded to the third generation of co-extrusion technology, which provides stronger protection and better performance.The BPS-05 decking, designed with the latest technology, is the first product to feature the self-cle Read More
  • Our New Project-Seamless Flooring for Indoors


    WPC flooring is specially designed for outdoor use, but can WPC flooring be used indoors? I believe that many people have such questions. The general WPC floor is not ideal for indoors. But Mexytech's seamless flooring breaks such boundaries. Mexytech seamless WPC flooring is perfect for indoor use. Read More
Founded in 2009, Foshan MexyTech Co., Ltd is a professional manufacturer engaging in eco-materials.



 Building B, Torch Park, Jihua 2 Road, Chancheng, Foshan City, Guangdong, China
     + 86-13435406202
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