FSC Certification for MexyTech

Views: 63     Author: Site Editor     Publish Time: 2023-07-13      Origin: Site

MexyTech uses wood materials as part of the raw materials for some of our WPC(wood plastic comosite) products. As we aim to provide sustainable and environmentally friendly composite wood products to our customers, we plan to obtain the Forest Stewardship Council (FSC) certification for our operations.

FSC is an international not-for-profit organization that sets the standard for responsible forest management. The FSC certification demonstrates that the bits of wood we use comes from responsibly managed forests that provide environmental, social and economic benefits. It assures customers that our wood materials supplies are legal, sustainable and ethical.

To obtain FSC certification, we will undergo an independent audit to review our management system, procedures and operations. The audit will verify that our wood supplies come from FSC certified forests and controlled sources that meet FSC principles and criteria for responsible forest management. These include:

• Complying with laws and FSC principles

• Recognizing and upholding indigenous peoples' rights

• Maintaining or enhancing long-term forest health and productivity

• Protecting biodiversity, water resources and other special environmental values

MexyTech will be granted the FSC certification and can start using the FSC trademarks on our WPC decing, WPC fence, WPC wall panel, WPC shed and marketing materials. The certification will be renewed periodically through surveillance audits every year and a re-certification audit every five years.

By obtaining FSC certification, MexyTech aim to improve our environmental and social credentials. It will demonstrate to our customers, stakeholders and the public that we operate responsibly and source our wood materials sustainably. The certification can enhance consumer trust in our brand, improve demand for our products and give us a competitive edge in the marketplace.

In conclusion, FSC certification is an important step for MexyTech to operate in a truly sustainable way that safeguards forests for future generations. The certification process may require changes to some of our procedures but the benefits to our business, the environment and society will outweigh the costs. I recommend that we proceed to obtain the FSC certification as soon as possible to reap its benefits.

MexyTech-Forest Stewardship Council (FSC) certification

Founded in 2009, Foshan MexyTech Co., Ltd is a professional manufacturer engaging in eco-materials.



 Building B, Torch Park, Jihua 2 Road, Chancheng, Foshan City, Guangdong, China
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